Friday, December 26, 2008
Lying bitch.
>A normal citizen must label such tax-paid junketing as insane abuse of the tax monies that the public pays and thinks they go to the schools and the students.<
This is poorly worded. Who is "they"? Let's remove "pays".
... the tax monies that the public thinks they go to the schools ...
A pronoun and a relative pronoun is a bit excessive.
... the tax monies that the public thinks go to schools.
>I just received a message calling me a “lying bitch.” We must be doing something right. lee <
No. Just lying.
More of Lee's wrong commas
Rearrange the sentence, moron.
I suppose [they are] all wrong and I'm illiterate.
"All wrong and I'm illiterate" is a compound object. You say yourself that a comma shouldn't separate a compound object. What changed your mind?
Note the difference:
(a) I suppose they are all wrong, and I'm illiterate.
(b) I suppose they are all wrong and I'm illiterate.
In (a) I'm stating that I'm illiterate. In (b) I'm stating that I suppose that I'm illiterate. There's a difference, but you're either too arrogant or too stupid to see it.
Comma, you stupid old cow.
>This fellow must be Ziggy’s best bud. Good. Ziggy needs a soul mate who can’t wrestle commas to the ground. Don’t think I shall give up my comma weapon fellows. It’s more effective than Buffalo Bill’s carbine, and you’re in the cross-hairs. lee <
A comma of direct address goes here while you're making fun of how we can't use commas, stupid. BANG!
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Ziggy's Post
Post whatever you want here, Ziggy.
Ziggy says ...
Lee, despite her promise to post anything from any reader due to her commitment to the First Amendment, refuses to post a comment of mine. What did you expect, Ziggy? She's a hypocrite. She refuses to post it because I correct her writing in this one:
Ziggy, you argue for the sake of keeping the attention on you. A mother of four and a granny of ten can tell you that little kids cut up all the time to get attention.
You need to start a blog of your own. You are monopolizing my blog. It’s not the nagging you do; [SPACE AFTER SEMICOLON] it’s the space you take up with no point. you [CAPITALIZE “YOU”] nag for the sake of keeping the attention on you.
A mother of four and a granny of ten can tell you that little kids cut up all the time to get attention. [SPACE AFTER PERIOD]You need to start a blog of your own. You are monopolize [REPLACE WITH MONOPOLIZING OR OMIT "ARE"] my blog with pointless patter. [ENTIRE PARAGRAPH IS REPETITION OF PREVIOUS TWO PARAGRAPHS]
Learn this bit of logic, dear boy: [INSERT “NEITHER”] You nor anyone will ever tell me whose grammar to correct. That is strictly the kid here's choice. lee [CAPITALIZE “LEE”]--
Logic? How is correcting one person's grammar and not another's logical?
And yesterday she posted:
Thank you and to all who make the fight against the board and administration's mistreatment of teachers, I wish a merry Christmas.
It's confusing. I think it should say:
To all who make the fight against the board and administration's mistreatment of the teachers, I thank you and wish you a merry Christmas.
The reason it's confusing is because there are two independent clauses that Lee doesn't separate with a comma.
"(I) thank you." and "To all ... Christmas."
(I) thank you, and to all who make the fight against the board and administration's mistreatment of teachers, I wish a merry Christmas.
That second comma could be argued as well. Would Lee write
"I wish a merry Christmas, to all"?
No, of course not.
Keep posting, Ziggy. As Lee often writes, become a pest. Keep chipping away. This is America, and you have a First Amendment right.
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Punctuation and quotes.
>My bet is that Ms. Elia took the patronage privilege that the feckless board ceded her while its members intone with their fingers crossed behind their backs, “We are an equal-employment-opportunity employer, “ I envision that Elia hired Smith over lunch one day.<
This bint lectures posters on punctuating quotation marks; or is this one your run-of-the-mill comma splice?
>One parent emailed my blog to say that she was just like Ms. Elia.<
You mustn't like that parent then! Check your antecedents.
>(one inferred this referred chiefly to the Alafia blog since I didn’t see any comments about it on the other blogs). <
Parallel construction - ... since one didn't see ...
>If there is anything that Elia hates and also the board, it’s the hated blogs that just blab out the truth as they see it.<
>The special ed-supervisors who charged him with child abuse should have a Professional Standards case lodged against them since they threw him in a class of severely retarded youngsters and gave him no instruction. His field is learning disabled. Here is his explanation of his specialty. Lee<
What's an ed-supervisor, stupid?
Sunday, December 14, 2008
All board members, Ms. Elia, and even Mr. Gonzalez chimed in with their salute to the wisdom of the program that they implied emerged from them alone and that a fellow named Bart Birdsall nor even Jesus, one of the world’s good guys who for sure hates gay bashing, never had a thing to do with begging them for years about the need for such a program.
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
Agreement and passive verbs
You need one of those tough public-school teachers of the sort that teach in Hillsborough County while enduring the abuse of a thuggish administration and lackadaisical school board. This pedagogical stalwart of literacy would teach you grammar, punctuation, and how to write pellucid prose.
The clause "that teach ..." modifies "sort". Sort is singular.
The meager pay presents no lure for intellectually gifted students. Yet what is astonishing is how many smart college graduates still choose to teach despite the salary penury. They love the job despite the meagre pay.
Make up your mind. UK or US? If someone adopts UK style and punctuates accordingly, you have a hissyfit. At least I'm consistent.
>I interviewed people in the president-elect’s inner circle and determined that reformers had nothing to worry about. Passive verb in a wordy sentence. “People in the president-elect’s inner circle assured me that reformers had nothing to worry about.”<
She's deluded, even with 28 years' experience in teaching English. Which is the passive verb in this sentence? When Vinegartits rewords sentences, she usually sucks out the original meaning. Perhaps this is why she is such a liar; she rewords her own thoughts so that the end result is total codswallop.
Saturday, November 15, 2008
A lost gem - retired teacher struggles with homophones and apostrophes.
The comma after “system” cuts off a restrictive adverbial prepositional phrase. The statement is not from a group of actuarial experts; its from “a national expert….”
Typical. Vinegartits lets this one rip in a post titled SPTimes Writers' Punctuation Gaffes. Oh, it's so important that newspaper writers get punctuation right. Oh, we're all marching to the swamps of illiteracy.
Your versus you're; of versus off.
>I busied myself fend offing the bazillions of widows who infest these cruises trying to pick of my old man or any other old man who is not on a walker or an oxygen tank.<
Again you lampoon Hamilton because of one your/you're error. I bet he knows the difference between "of" and "off".
>I think the the board and the administration should indeed get the publicity they deserve so that an informed public will vote the board slugs out of office and vote in some people who care about education instead of power and who throw state money around without consulting teachers about the issues that affect them. <
Dummy. You want to vote in people who will throw state money around without consulting teachers about the issues? >
There is not one board member who has the courage, the education, or the knowledge of Robert's Rules <
This one's correct. Have you been secretly reading my blog? You're heeding my advice.
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
That a deputy editor of the Wall Street Journal doesn’t know basic grammar and punctuation present a sign of how far the country has fallen.
posted by twinkobie at 7:38 PM
Hugh Fayle said...
That a deputy editor of the Wall Street Journal doesn’t know basic grammar and punctuation [present] a sign of [how far the country has fallen].Make sure your verbs agree with the subjects they follow. That is, "present" should be "presents" to concur with the singularity of the noun clause.Further, do not allow an adverbial clause to act as the object of a prepositional phrase.
Hugh Fayle Moore said...
I notice you did not approve the comments I left you. Do you have a reason for not doing so--a reputation of grammatical perfection you have (yet fail) to keep, perhaps?Shame. I don't even know if you understood the corrections I was making in your analyses.I am generally not this conniving, but I read your profile and caught wind of your contentious spirit. Now I am just trying to instigate. We grammarians have little else to do.
Yippee! I had seen the "present" error a while ago but let it slide. After all, I thought it was probably a typo. What's one "s" between friends?
Welcome to the fray, Hugh. I'm not normally conniving either, but I take exception in this cow's case. The reason she started screening her comments in the first place is because she couldn't handle my pulling her up on all of her errors and hypocrisy. Yes, we all make errors, but the way this bitch carries on irks me.
You'll note that she won't answer you. Get used to it. She'll call you names and take cheap shots rather than defend what she writes.
Stop drinking, for goodness' sake. (You WERE drunk, I hope.)
Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Excuse Me While I Teach Grammar to the New Preside...":
'As the object it should be, as you say, "Michelle and me," but when speaking I hear so many people make this mistake b/c they are over-correcting and not thinking.'
This is another common error. Misplaced modifiers regularly produce hilarious results. Did you mean that when you were speaking the people make the mistake (as you have written) or that the people make the mistake when they were speaking? There is a difference here between your error and Obama's. Most of the English-speaking world knows exactly what Obama meant, but your ambiguity means that I don't know what you are trying to say.
Oh, stop it already. You are out of your depth, or you would not have fallen into a dangling modifier:"but when speaking I hear so many people make this mistake b/c they are over-correcting and not thinking." (The poster didn't - the poster you quoted was quoting another poster.)
Your "when speaking:" is a dangling modifier in a construction in which your purport to correct me for some fugitive error. (Neither of the posters was correcting you. Re-read the posts.) You are not in this league of grammar-and-punctuation savvy, so just retire and lick your wounds, sugarbritiches. If you are interested in grammar-punctuation big-time, keep in contact with my Grammargrinch.blogspot blog. (This IS the Grammargrinch blog. You posted your reply on the wrong blog!?)
Most people's eyes glaze over in the dicussion of grammar. Only a few of us find grammar and punctuation enthralling.
The Grammargrinch blogspot forewarns that grammar is what it is about. I have been suprised at the hits I get on that site. Its aim is newspaper writers. Newspaper writers are interested in correct grammar. They are professinal writers and should be interested. lee
Love and kisses to a grammar wannabe, lee (You sign off twice?)
Wake / sober up! Especially if you're going to plagiarise another person's grammar correction and then slam them.
Lee keeps trying to master commas and fails!
"Senator Jack Reed, Democrat of Rhode Island, came to Congress as a single man, but fell in love with a Senate professional staff member, Julia Hart, on a Congressional delegation trip to Afghanistan in 2002.
The comma after "man" splits a compound verb."
Strunk & White Rule 4 - Place a comma before a conjunction introducing an independent clause.
"When the subject is the same for both clauses and is expressed only once, a comma is useful if the connective is but ....
I have heard the arguments, but am still unconvinced."
You're always quoting Strunk & White, Vinegartits. Quote it now.
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Nepotistic hypocrite.
Here we go again. Lee picks and chooses whose punctuation she analyses. She writes that she'd "jump on the king of the world who abused the English language", yet she didn't jump or even shift in her seat when the massacre at this post started.
In this latest case she abuses her power in defense of Elia and Kurdell. Here is a brief review of Falieros indescretions:1) As attested in Mr. Harts divorce .. (And there's more.)Some apostrophes could be useful.
after making wild eyed and erroneous statements
Lee was quite concerned about hyphenated compound adjectives in the PBK post, yet this one doesn't faze her.
But why shouldn't she look after her croneys? I'll bet that her grandchildren punctuate like morons and she says nothing.
Plus, she still puts possessives before what she retardedly calls gerunds. If she were to consult Strunk & White, she could work out that she is wrong.
Would I lie?
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Apostrophes bamboozle this English teacher.
She is too morally corrupt to know right from wrong much less Roberts Rules.
Replace the creature. Don’t sit there like cowardly lumps and let her disgrace the board. The locution that you should call out when she makes one of her ridiculous and illegal decisions is “I appeal from the decision of the chair.” She has to ask you why according to Roberts Rules.
Once is a typo. Twice is ignorance.
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
Welcome, Vinegartits! Of all the places to make an error!
10:18 AM
You know you have hit the big time when you have hate blogs posted about you. Here's one on me.
My legs are much better than the imposed ones the guy uses to spoof me. Thank God, the legs are the last to go.
My critic sounds really mad. I don't know whether he's down on English teachers are (Touche.) just paranoid. In grammar he doesn't know his ass from his elbow.
Trust me. Would I lie?
You found me. Your English comprehension is poor. Anyone could read that I am not down on English teachers.
Yes, you would lie. If you want to go head to head with me, let's drag up the post where you assure your little pixie that her grammar and punctuation are fine. You know damned well that I'm right and that you let anything slide for your arsekissers, yet you still crucify one bloke over the your/you're typo. You're a hypocrite.
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
Ignorance is bliss and earns a pass
Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Just One More Sexist Twit":
"Appeal that position to God, the Father, who’s something of a domestic tyrant on his bad days" If you are distinguishing God the Father from God the Son or God the Holy Spirit, "the Father" is restrictive.
Now this shows the erudition of my readers. They know a lot more than I do. My excuse is that I did not recall that God has three personae. I thought of Him as the the one boffo fellow in charge of everything. If I were smart enough to know the nitty gritty of religious doctrine, I would be guilty of a comma error. But since I am shaky on the Yahweh personae, you have to give me a pass on this one. lee
Pass my ass, Vinegartits. If a journalist said that they didn't know the difference between "compliment" and "complement" and that you should pass them, you'd squeal. If board members said that they knew nothing about faulty air conditioners or misappropriated funds, you'd start e-mailing all and sundry with your vitriol.
"I wasn't smart enough to know, so you've got to pass me." Name one occasion when you bought that story during your 28 years of teaching.
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
Difficulty with subject-verb agreement
"Each Government contractor with 50 or more employees and $50,000 or more in government contracts is required to develop a written affirmative action program (AAP) for each of its establishments.
A written affirmative action program helps the contractor identify and analyze potential problems in the participation and utilization of women and minorities in the contractor's workforce.
Linda, I want to see a copy of the schools’ affirmative action plan that its government grants requires. Lee"
subject - "government grants" - plural
verb - "requires" - singular
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
Lee's worst I've seen to date.
Come on. Had you been drinking when you wrote and punctuated this, or did you let Elia edit it?
last five years, semicolon first-class payment
people in the grounds department's faking it is “people” that is possessive, if anything over the lawn workers possessive before gerund driving his school truck
ROSSAC bunker, the the sloppy proofreading board feels secure inpursuing and again its japes and skullduggeries.
You know opponents have run out of ammuntition spelling and missing conjunction they move to the "He's crazy" stage.
They carry the rumor but will be willing to turn on a dime if the power brokers say, "Wait! We have a new read on that chrous spelling about Erwin's being crazy."
"What is it?" yodel the ninnies' chorus. "chorus" is singular – “yodels”
"The new rumor is he's catatonic. comma" says the ROSSAC town crier. "Can you say'catatonic 'catatonic'? sloppy" says he.
"Yes, but we can't spell it close quotation marks here chrouses again? Herd Mentality," all with eary early childhooders can spell this childhood or home-ec degrees.
Tom Gonzalez hires an outside investigator--Glitzen & Associates-- to grill a bevy of school suspected miscreants but then suspends Glitzen's activities when Gitzen's spelling findings replicates subject-verb disagreement Erwin's complaints.
Le Gonzalez has held his sinecure as board attorney for 37 years, secured by venerable good-ol-boy wink-wink job-getting protocols, the only kind that count "kind" is singular – this is a common error in the Tampa Bay Area.
You are in good hands when you are in those of Thomas Gonzalez, Esquire, taxpayer-funded mouthpiece full stop He even brags of having an almost 100 percent rate of screwing workers for bosses in his practice.
If the opponent is proletarit spelling, Le Gonzalez's motto is,"Drive the impoverished creep out of town on a rail. close quotation marks
Gonzalez routinely villifies spellingand discriminates against me because I am poor and downtroden spelling.
Le Tom burns the midnight oil looking up precedents to impress jejune outback judges so as to beat up on poor workers for rich industrialists and orange-grove mutimillionnaires spelling.
and chant, "Double, double, toil and trouble" full stopThen Dr. Lamb throws eye of newt and toenail of a cat into the change-into-a-fiend broth boiling on the lectern on a Buntzs burner, Bunsen burner – Google “Buntzs burner” to find the only use on the internet lifted from the Hillsborough High chemistry lab.
passes it to Susan Valdes, who passes it to all other members of the board; don’t use semi-colon here whose collective touch will fortify and transform the mixture into bat's broth imbued with powers to make the person who imbibes it impeccably evil.
Finally, the last hand to touch the holy cup of the the sloppy unholy board initiation broth passes it to the newly elected inductee and says in a spooky voice that ricochets off the board-room walls, "Bottoms up" in the name of Beelzebub." work on those quotation marks
is then ready to go to work screwing over the citizens, teachers, and children of Hillsborough County whilst support ing vile machinations and the board's going along with her. i.e. nope making the teachers give up their class
Oh, yes. Now I recall. You must pick up on this thread next full stop Steady now.
Saturday, May 31, 2008
Vinegartits is getting busted!
Some poor bugger by the name of Paul Barnard is taking Lee to task over some document that she says she never received from Tom Gonzalez.
But have a look at the post at
DEBRA SATCHEL,Plaintiff,Case No.: 8-06714v. Division: J
SCHOOL BOARD OF RILLSBOROUGH COUNTY, EARL LENNARD in his official and individual capacity, LINDA KIPLEY in her official and individual capacity, and
DOE(S) 1-37,Defendants.______________________________________________________/
THIS CAUSE came before the Court on the Defendants’ Motion for Extension of Time to respond to the Plaintiff’s Amended Verified Complaint for Damages. Having reviewed the Motion, it is hereby:
ORDERED AND ADJUDGED that the Motion is GRANTED. The Defendants shall have up to and including Tuesday, May 6, 2008, to respond to the Plaintiff’s Amended Verified Complaint for Damages.
DONE AND ORDERED in Chambers at Hillsborough County, Florida on this th day of April, 2008.
Thomas M. Gonzalez, Esq.
Debra Satchel, Pro Se
DEBRA SATCHEL, Plaintiff,Case No.: 8-06714;Division: SCHOOL BOARD OF COUNTY, EARL LENNARD in his official and individual capacity, LINDA KIPLEY in her official and individual capacity, and James Arnold, the circuit court judge before whom the referenced case is pending.
WILLIAM C. SIZEMORE (1945 - 2004)
Lee Drury DeCesare15316 Gulf BoulevardUnit 802Madeira Beach, Florida 33708
Dear Ms. De Cesare:
It has come to my attention that you have published the following statement:“Teacher who dared file 14-count conspiracy complaint against County, 2 named and 37 unnamed-Doe defendants has moved for default judgment on all claims.”
“The School Board had 10 days over the usual 20 to answer the complaint. The School Board failed to do so.”
You added to the just quoted assertion the following:“I think Tom Gonzalez must have missed the deadline for filing response to this case. That will give me another reason to ask for his firing, lee”
Finally, a posting on your blog over the name “David” but identified as having been authored by “Anonymous,” accuses me of having “failed” in my responsibility to respond to the lawsuit.
I enclose herein a copy of the order entered by Judge James Arnold, the circuit court judge before whom the referenced case is pending. Although I believe the order to be self-explanatory, I note that on April 28, 2008, Judge Arnold allowed the School Board and the individual defendants additional time within which to respond to Ms. Satchel’s complaint. Therefore, neither the School Board nor either of the other defendant -i required to file a response to the suit until Tuesday, May 6, 2008. You could hay ascertained this fact by checking the court file. You obviously chose not to do so. You therefore have published several false and defamatory statements about me. I suggest you correct them.
Very truly yours,
Tom Gonzalez
Enclosure: Order Granting Extension of Time<
Lee has actually scanned this court order and included it along with Tom Gonzalez's letter. She says that she never received it.
Pure bullshit. Plus, she's too stupid to remember that she has received it, scanned it and posted it.
What I think is funny is that all the other sycophants that post inane comments to her blog are too stupid to read her posts properly. They love it when there's a picture of a fat cat that Lee says looks like Elia and they all laugh, but none of them can sort through facts.
Good luck, Paul Barnard. I'm surprised that Vinegartits is even posting your comments. She stopped posting mine. Although she encourages everone to stand up and be heard, she hates it when someone stands up to her. Vinegartits will censor you sooner or later, even though "this is America!". If you ever find this blog, keep me posted.
I might include a few words here, just in case anyone's Googling. Mayby they'll find their way here.
casting room couch Paul Barnard Paul Bernard
Thursday, May 29, 2008
Subject / verb agreement hypocrisy
From Vinegartits's keyboard comes this:
>3. If you can make your subjects and verbs agree and have the slightest knowledge of where to put commas, give up now or disguise these skills. Those accomplishments will turn the superintendent off to your getting the job since La Elia has no idea about such useless information as the accoutrements of literacy in the education racket.<
And then this a few sentences later:
>Call for more information: 810-Mr. Linda Kipley. Or leave your application in a pumpkin on the northeast side of the parking lot, whose mouth slot contain the tear-off slogan “Property of Mr. Linda Kipley, now on a glide track to the superintendency, at which point he will shuck his old wife, La Linda, for a new model from amongst the hordes of young women school-board stenos with a favorable hip-to-waist ratio who appeal to guys who dump the faithful wife who has maneuvered their success in the education racket into high gear in Hillsborough County, Florida.<
Make your own subjects match your own verbs, bimbo. Close your quotation marks, too.
Here's a comment on this blog from one Thomas Vaughan:
I would like to tell the story of my evaluation, my attempt to get my grievance to it heard and the so called investigation of another complaint done by Professional Standards.
May I do this on your blog?
I feel my reputation has been smeared limp passive verb and my career put in jeopardy because of one person's personal animosity toward me.
I am prepared for the criticism that may be directed at me by your readers. Good! I have made my share of mistakes. I feel I have been treated unfairly and no one will listen. The CTA has limited power. I have discovered that they can only concern itself Ewww! with specific violations of the contract, that selective documentation of a teachers performance done only to call into question his professional skills is permitted. Outright false statements can be allowed to stand. Blatant errors of interpretation of the evaluation criteria cant be challenged, even though they make it appear as though I am inconsistent in my treatment of minorities. I deeply resent that implication.
I asked my principal for feedback, she promised comma splice - a felony right Lee?to give it but failed do so. I believe this was deliberate. She accepted my lesson plans for 12 weeks and despite my specific request for feedback on them said nothing until she used them to hammer me on the evaluation. She did however mark my down for turning several of them in a day late. The whole process was a set up from day one.
I am frustrated and discouraged. I feel my employer of 14 years has let me down.
The school district has closed ranks around one of its own and I have been left out to dry. I am 100% certain that I will get the same treatment next year. Another poor evaluation and I will probably lose my job. I have had excellent evaluations from my previous supervisors. My last evaluation was 127 points and I qualified for MAP money. This year it was 97 points. Nothing about my performance changed. The only thing that changed was my supervisors decision to force me out because she doesn't like me.
I have tried to go through the proper channels to seek redress but have been stymied at every turn. I want my good name back. I will no longer hide anonymously behind my keyboard. I feel I am right and am no longer afraid.
Thomas Vaughan<
This fellow can't use an apostrophe to save himself, among other things. Let's see what Lee has to say about it. Probably nothing - she should encourage him to go for a board job with writing skills like that.
Sunday, May 25, 2008
Colons (again) and parallel construction.
>Meeting with Gorham: I think he is promising and would be a good substitute for Kurdell. Almost anyone not a rubberstamp is an acceptable substitute. He is sophisticated about the district's problems. He has a teacher wife, which explains that fact to me. He says he can face down Elia. That would be novel and welcome. He is fluent about the problems of the schools, is nice looking, and a good listener. I gave him a hundred bucks. There is another guy in the race now. We must look at him too. lee<
Independent clause should predede a colon.
Parrallel construction dictates " ... and is a good listener".
Saturday, May 24, 2008
>And speaking of bellies: the beer belly is nothing but fat. The beer belly will disappear if the person loses weight.<
Vinegartits usually maintains that a complete sentence precedes a colon.
>She is also entitled to file charges under the American disabilities act.<
Capitalise the name of the act.
>I was able to examine four of the remaining candidates’ application for the job. <
The candidates submitted one application?
>It took a jury to rule that the board ignored Mr. Erwin’s warnings about theft, bid rigging, and shoddy construction of schools that the board and administration wanted to ignore and punish Mr. Erwin for pointing out.<
The board wanted to punish Mr. Erwin for pointing out his warnings? Idiot.
>He has little if any accounting experience (sales rep/accounting) doesn't sound like any deep accounting decorates his resume. <
This is nonsensical. Run on sentence or just crap?
>I have told Ms. Salem that if the board has turned her down for this job and picked the much-less-qualified husband of an administrator, <
Don't hyphenate the adverb in expressions like this.
>I look foreward to receiving these materials in a timely manner.<
>My read is that a person with ability threatens the board C students, so Elia, who has to struggle with grammar and punctuation and who probably flattered the imminently susceptible board members to a faretheewell from her in-house spot got the job.<
Does Elia fail to enclose parenthetic expressions between commas as Vinegartits does here (Strunk & White Rule 3) or is this Vinegartits's personal struggle with punctuation?Wednesday, May 7, 2008
Compound verbs
>If elected, she’ll have the power to take the Hobbesian struggle she perceives, and turn it into remorseless reality.
The comma after “perceives” splits a compound verb: “perceives” and “turn.”<
Parrallel construction might help. What Brooks meant to write was "... she'll have the power to take the struggle she perceives and to turn it into ...".
She'll have the power ... to turn it ino a reality.
"She perceives" is an adjectival clause modifying "struggle".
Put it this way - if "perceives" and "turn" were a compound verb, they would be the same in number, wouldn't they? Is "turn" even finite? What is its subject?
No, "to take" and "turn" are infinitives that qualify "power". The comma is incorrect, but not for the listed Vinegartitted reasons.
One day she'll think things through and check her grammar primer before posting her crap.
Thursday, May 1, 2008
Singular subject, singular verb.
>Not one of the board members that adorn the board semi-circle have the nerve to rein in Elia in arrogance of that sort. <
Vinegartits requires a singular verb. Not one ... has the nerve.
There's another one of these in her recent posts, but at the time I couldn't be bothered. If I see it again, I'll post it here.
>he had to defend himself against cramping citizens' free-speech rights who come before the board;<
The rights didn't come before the board, airhead.
>and that he knew it and was just counting on the citizen's ignorance to make his hints of a law suit scare them into silence.<
Teacher either can't match her pronouns with their antecedents or can't use an apostrophe. Probably both?
>I also got the fun of tearing up Gonzalez's grammar, punctuation, and writing style. That's my specialty and an especially apposite one with Gonzalez since he has an undergraduate literature degree and since lawyers are supposed to be able to write.<
As are ex-English teachers and university professors, Vinegartits.
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
>If Le Gonzalez Esquire does any of the following more serious infractions than the four listed above and turned down as too flimsy for punishment by the Florida Bar, expect to get another complaint if Mr Gonzalez descends to the following barbarisms:<
If Vinegartits writes poorly, she should expect a mouthful if Vinegartits writes poorly.
>listed above and turned down as too flimsy for punishment by the Florida Bar<
Flabby passive voice.
>Very, very respectfully yours<
Redundant adverb.
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
Bad day for grammar and punctuation
>Erwin meanwhile is documenting that a lot of the schools are built on bad land, water being a particular problem. <
Possessive before your stupid gerunds, Vinegertits.
Erwin meanwhile is documenting that a lot of the schools are built on bad land, water's being a particular problem.
>I talked to Sam shortly before he died to find out about a guy whom ROSSAC had crucified, who had won his case, but then saw ROSSAC not restore him to his job but put him to teaching prisoners.<
"Who had won his case" is restrictive: no comma.
>That’s the kind of background that the Hillsborough County School Board counts as superintendent material, turning down Columbia PH.D.s with wide experience, considerable publishing, and fluent in three languages. <
With ... fluent in three languages? No. Parallel construction dictates "and fluency in three languages".
>The board covered its ass in a sham “nation-wide” search and billed the taxpayers $35,000 to cover their dishonest tracks. Entering ROSSAC just infects people.<
The board starts off singular and ends up plural. Covers its dishonest tracks. "Just" is a superfluous valley girl adverb against which Strunk &White inveighs. Innit, Vinegartits?
>In fact Ms. Elia created and the board signed off on a boutique job for him the last few months of his employment so that he could dither in comfort until he decided to exit. <
Do you know the truth? State it. Strunk & White suggests you do. Ditch this crap.
>He mistook the difference between “your” and “you’re” to give you some idea of his level of linguistic sophistication.<
No, he didn't. But it does. Comma needed.
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
Colons, colons everwhere!
>Polly, in regard to your message below: pile into the board meeting, sign up to speak, go to the mike when La Belle Dame sans Merci Falliera recognizes you, and then squawk.<
As Vinegartits often writes, a complete sentence should always precede a colon.
Here is yet another example of her lack of attention to detail. Slack, slack, slack. God forbid anyone puts a comma out of place.

Monday, April 14, 2008
An early classic
> blog tears into the grammar-punctuation-style and sometimes political errors of the NYTimes. Washington Post, Boston Globe, and LA Times. I don't pick on the little papers--just the big, important ones and the big, important columnists. Oddly enough, the site has a steady stream of hits from the people who work at these papers. They do want to write well, and most of them do not have training in grammar and punctuation and want to learn those skills.<
Even back then Vinegartits was picking on the grammar and punctuation of others while making clangers herself. Use commas to separate items in a list rather than periods, and proofread your work if you are to throw stones at others from your glass house.
Basic stuff
Here are some more Vinegartits classics:
>Steve Heggarty is the head person (He replaced Marc Hart when the administration-board booted the latter out for alleged alcoholism but really to cover up the affair with La Falliero) to keep her reputation spotless and to keep the public from knowing the board and administration tolerate and even cultivate hanky panky on the job.<
Remove the parenthesis:
Steve Heggarty is the head person to keep her reputation spotless and to keep the public from knowing the board and administration tolerate and even cultivate hanky panky on the job.
>Heggarty got the head job not because he was qualified (he lacked the experience factor) but because he had covered the schools for the SPT and had played kissy poo with the administration and wrote puff pieces.<
Wordy. Edit: He lacked experience.
>Steve is not on the ball. His assistant, Linda Cobbe (who had also applied of the job) is.<
There is no excuse for this missing comma.
>He is good for nothing but rubberstamping Elia's ukases and waddling around asking board typists to send a letter from him on board stationary asking Mayor Iorio to abate his condo water bill.<
Try "e for envelope, a for at a standstill". It might help you remember. It works for my eight-year-old.
>The board has a month from the day of filing to respond, so this production is due soon to be found on this site if I can lay hold of it.<
Here, so means therefore. Vinegartits refuses to punctuate this one correctly despite Strunk & White's advice.
>What am I reading? The Leatherstocking tales, of course: I missed Fenimore Cooper when I was young; so I am reading him when I am old and in love with Natty Bumpo aka Hawkeye, Deerslayer, or Leatherstockings.<
Hang on! She's got it! Elsewhere she reckons I am making up grammar rules on this one. Maybe it's a typo, but if she has seen the error of her ways, then she is welcome for my help.
>He's even more attractive because he rejects all liasons with women--his bride, he avows, being the forest.<
Possessive before gerund, Vinegartits. Or has she finally worked out that they are participles?
Sunday, April 13, 2008
Fix your own mistakes first.
Vinegartits writes this:
Parallelism: use "that...that" or use nothing. Don't use one that to begin a noun clause an omit before the other noun clause.
Maybe she's learned something from my post two before this one of March 25!
Sunday, March 30, 2008
Attention to detail ... not!
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
Parellel construction
Lee writes:
>Hooper, You are showing that you not only go ga-ga over tacky board members and write dippy puff pieces about one, La Falliero, but you demonstrate in this banal question above that you also lack subtlety of thought. <
Strunk & White write:
Correlative expressions (both, and; not, but; not only, but also; either, or; first, second, third; and the like) should be followed by the same grammatical construction.
A time not for words but action. [Incorrect]
A time not for words but for action. [Correct]
Hooper, you are showing that you not only go ga-ga over tacky board members and write dippy puff pieces about one, La Falliero, but also demonstrate in this banal question above that you lack subtlety of thought.
Hooper, you are not only showing that you go ga-ga over tacky board members and write dippy puff pieces about one, La Falliero, but also demonstrating in this banal question above that you lack subtlety of thought.
The real problem is that this rot is tautologous.
>You are showing that you ... demonstrate in this banal question ...<
Further edit:
Hooper, you are showing not only that you go ga-ga over tacky board members and write dippy puff pieces about one, La Falliero, but also in this banal question above that you lack subtlety of thought.
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
This attitude says it all.
Lee said she had made her last post on her Casting Room Couch blog, yet this one appears. It contains this statement.
>Below is the current status of my ethics charge against the board attorney with the Florida Bar Ethics Commission. It's garbled in the PDF transfer mystery, but you can get an idea of what is going on.<
Here is some of the garbled text.
Enelosedis acopyofourlettertoMr. Gonza1ezwhithrquñ
Once you receive Mr. Gonzalez’s response. )VU have 10 days to file a iclnaial if dct if you decide to file a rebuttal, please said a copy to Mr. (ioorala. flc a a’y i a correspondence to me.
Please be advised that as an arm of the Supiune Coat of FiSda, lit FlotiiM investigate allegations of misconduct against attorneys, id wt apçixçris, inpra 1 It
attorney be disciplined. (sic)
But you can get an idea of what is going on? But you can get an idea of what is going on? This bugs me. This sour old cow crucifies anyone who puts a comma out of place, yet she is happy to post this gibberish.
I was going to mention this attitude a while ago when Lee wrote "Commas I can do. Graphics are a mystery." She can't be bothered to learn how to make her site presentable even though she labours over everyone else's possessive-before-gerund felonies.
I read sentences with missing commas easier than I read sentences presented in inch-high overlapping text. I understand "Did you see me swimming the English Channel?" more than I understand "id wt apçixçris".
Yes, I know that Lee didn't write it as such, but neither did its author. But she saw fit to publish it for people to read in its state. She couldn't be bothered learning how to tweak her text recognition tool in the same manner that people can't be bothered learning how to use commas.
I've got news for Vinegartits. Commas might be missing, but you can get an idea of what's going on. Writers might not use possessives before [what she calls] gerunds, but you can get an idea of what's going on.
Lee writes:
>Thank goodness, I am a writer.<
"I am a writer" is one of the "that" clauses with the "that" omitted. Vinegertits has written about this before. Thank goodness that I am a writer.
Edit: Thank goodness I am a writer.
Don't bother changing it, La Vinegartits; we can still get an idea of what's going on. ;)
Monday, March 10, 2008
Lee's difficulty with subject-verb agreement
Lee hashes subject-verb agreement. I've read it's a felony.
>Data enter a person’s ear and comes out the other ear shaped by the back roads, cul-de-sacs, and curlicues of the alembic of that person’s particular psyche. In other words, it comes out biased.<
Lee starts off maintaining that "data" is plural by using the plural verb "enter". She then uses the singular verb "comes", the singular pronoun "it" and the singular verb "comes" again.
She was trying to appear clever by insisting that "data" is plural. It lasted five words.
Sunday, March 2, 2008
Osculate my gluteus
>What century do those geezers and I'm talking about their wheezy old attitudes, not their chronological ages live in?
I regret to report that Ms. Bancroft has fallen into a grammar felony: subject-verb disagreement. “Do” should be “does”: “What century does.” The grammar checker is good on spotting such subject-verb agreement errors.<
The grammar checker, my dear Vinegartits, is poor at spotting them, as are you. You've mentioned spelling and grammar checkers before, but I've never believed that a teacher with experience of 28 years would rely on them. Your comment alarms me. Your comment indicates that you really do slap some text into a Word document and hit "spellcheck", waiting to pounce on the squiggly green underlined bits. I tried it with Ms Bancroft's sentence, and the green line appeared. God forbid.
The subject-verb agreement in "What century do those geezers and I'm talking about their wheezy old attitudes, not their chronological ages live in?" is correct.
Try pumping this one into your grammar checker. What century does those geezers live in?
When the computer doesn't have all those nasty extra words in between, it is able to work out that "What century do those geezers live in?" is correct. You might be able to as well with a little help.
Rearrange the sentence.
Those geezers do live in what century.
Those geezers does live in what century.
See someone intelligent after class.
>I wrote to Slate and asked why in the hell it let this grammar poseur write prescriptive columns when he didn’t know his ass from his elbow. <
Lee once chastised me for using the word "arse" and wrote that she preferred the elegant "gluteus". Either she is using the "ass from elbow" cliche to sound more like a Valley working girl or she is one.
Saturday, February 23, 2008
I love this!
Lee picks and chooses who will be the targets of her vitriolic grammar and punctuation pedantry. She makes no comments about the author's grammar, style and punctuation alternatives although she has condemned others for similar choices. I think Lee is no better than those who cut her off after a three-minute time limit while letting others run over. She rails against their inconsistencies and is just as guilty.
I have corrected the author's comment. Both of you need to see the teacher after class.
I have been reading our your - shoddy proofreading blog for a year , place a comma before a conjunction introducing an independent clause - Strunk and White Rule 4 and I am certain you would give my Principal principal - no capital for this common noun quite an earful. I doubt this person would understand most of it though.
So if I told you the name of this person, and you sent the blistering missive, where would that leave me? This person is vindictive and mean spirited.
I thank you for taking the time to read my original message and will continue to enjoy your blog. Knowing your scrutiny of grammar and punctuation, please be gentle with me. dangling present participial phrase - The sentence is imperative; therefore, the implied subject is "you". The subject is not knowing the scrutiny. Recast as Knowing your scrutiny of grammar and punctuation, I ask you please to be gentle with me. I would hate to be graded on that.
My dear, you should not let little, mean people like your principal cramp your spirit. He or she is nothing but a bully.
Your grammar is perfect; ditto punctuation. If you want to see some bad grammar and punctuation from a guy who holds a high position in the publishing world, go to and read my analysis of the publisher of the SP Times's pitiful grammar and punctuation. It will give you confidence to think better of your skills. lee
Perfect grammar and punctuation? I think not.
Saturday, February 16, 2008
>Ms. Elia's bachelor's-degree college in New York state had grammar-and-punctuation errors on its home page when I checked it. This is not a good sign that Ms. Elia's alma mater is a hotbed of scholorship.<
I don't think that anyone (especially a teacher with experience of 28 years) who can't spell "scholarship" ranks fit to judge where is or isn't a satisfactory place to learn.
>The board is just as prostrate before Ms. Elia’s ukases as the teachers were. On the podium, it always seems to me that the board regresses to some age at which the designated adult, Elia, has the power. <
What is "it"? The word has has no antecedent. This is the kind of felony against which Lee rails.
>I'd like to slap those young first- and second-year teachers silly for participating in the punishment of older colleagues by taking the jobs that the principals and department heads removed from teachers such as Bruce for protesting the extra class. They are ingrateful, short-sighted little twits. lee<
Hypocrite. Lee bleats about freedom of speech for everyone and freedom of choice for those wanting an abortion. Don't first- and second-year teachers have the same freedom to make their own choices? What would Lee say to the crazies who say that women having abortions are not grateful for the gift of life or are being short-sigshted for not realising they are snuffing out an entire lifetime? Ingrateful, shortsighted, pro-choice twits? I know who the real twit is.
Monday, January 21, 2008
Monday, January 21, 2008
Not only yours but every one of the other board members' unanimous rubberstamps need their individual explanation for approving this contract without demur when it came before them.
“Every” is singular, stoopid.
Not only yours but every one of the other board members' unanimous rubberstamps needs its individual explanation for approving this contract without demur when it came before them.
Logic dictates that the basis of the "performance" money that Ms. Elia extracts from the taxpayers comes from the teachers', not Ms. Elia's performance, and that thus any "performance" money should go to the teachers, not to Ms. Elia, whose already bloated pay package disgraces the board's sense of fairness and proportion.
You need a comma after “Elia’s”.
Ms. Elia recently augmented teachers' work load by imposing an extra class on them to solve her budget problems without the board's discussing this imposition on teachers or without the teachers having a chance to comment on the move.
Possessive before gerund! Possessive before gerund! Possessive before gerund! You crucify everyone else who does this, Vinegartits.
A parallel comment from the teachers for your outpouring of money in Ms. Elia's contract tete-a-tete between you and her might elicit adjectives "unscrupulous" or "profligate" or "contemptuous" of taxpayers, teachers, students, and the rest of the school family, whose contracts don't get the cozy attention a school board member lavished on colluding with the superintendent to bloat the superintendent's pay package to the point that the Tribune's editorial page found it necessary to remark upon even though the editorial editor, Ms. Goudreau, is a friend of Ms. Elia and a usually reliable flatterer of the superintendent.
A 97-word sentence? Well done!
Sunday, January 13, 2008
Le Matus Wrestles with Commas
>In an initial interview, McNeil said he couldn't remember the names of any classes or instructors, or whether he wrote a master's thesis.
The comma after “instructors” is redundant. It splits compound direct-object noun clauses of “said”: “said [that] he couldn’t remember…” or “whether he wrote…”<
The noun clauses are not the object of “said”, you dumb bint. So McNeil said whether he wrote a master’s thesis? Rubbish. He couldn’t remember the names, and he couldn’t remember whether he wrote a thesis.
“The names of any classes” and “whether he wrote a master’s thesis” make a compound object of “could not remember”. Your explanation is as wrong as the comma.
Saturday, January 5, 2008
Lee's subject-verb agreement grammar felony in "Pulitzer Misfires: Inducts Tash"
Mr. Tash's wife is an English teacher whom he could have consulted to correct his literacy problems. But men of Tash's ilk think us wimmenfolk are for childbearing, slopping the hogs, and holding up a mirror to them to reflect them twice their size.
This is a common error, although I wouldn't expect it from an English teacher with experience of 28 years. Lee should know that "us wimmenfolk" is the subject of the verb "are", not the object of "think". Lee, why don't you consult Mrs Tash to correct your own literacy problems?
In case you're too stupid to work it out, here is the amended version.
But men of Tash's ilk think we wimmenfolk are for childbearing, slopping the hogs, and holding up a mirror to them to reflect them twice their size.
Let me know if you need me to spell it out, Vinegartits.