Saturday, January 5, 2008

Lee's subject-verb agreement grammar felony in "Pulitzer Misfires: Inducts Tash"

From Pulitzer Misfires: Inducts Tash here at

Mr. Tash's wife is an English teacher whom he could have consulted to correct his literacy problems. But men of Tash's ilk think us wimmenfolk are for childbearing, slopping the hogs, and holding up a mirror to them to reflect them twice their size.

This is a common error, although I wouldn't expect it from an English teacher with experience of 28 years. Lee should know that "us wimmenfolk" is the subject of the verb "are", not the object of "think". Lee, why don't you consult Mrs Tash to correct your own literacy problems?

In case you're too stupid to work it out, here is the amended version.

But men of Tash's ilk think we wimmenfolk are for childbearing, slopping the hogs, and holding up a mirror to them to reflect them twice their size.

Let me know if you need me to spell it out, Vinegartits.

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