Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Homophone help - stationery/stationary


>When two large male students started acting up at once, he hooked the harness of one to a stationery object so that he could deal with them one at a time.<

Let me guess - the students were hooked up to a ream of A4?

I'm sure I've mentioned this one before; I must find the link. I distinctly remember coaching Lee with the "e" for "envelope", "a" for "at a standstill" reminder.

(Here it is: http://antigrammargrinch.blogspot.com/2008/04/basic-stuff.html)

Vinegartits struggles with many homophones. Even Hamilton and kindy teachers know the difference between "stationary" and "stationery". This stuff up was in a formal letter to a lawyer.

How dumb can you get?

>This procedure means the teachers are terrified of losing their jobs if they complain even about the most egregious cases of mistreatment of them by the administration and superintendent.<

Well, that dumb. Vinegartits normally complains about this misplaced modifier.

Sunday, January 25, 2009

$340 per day


>Please confirm for me that her mentor, Ms. Ippolito, got $340 a hour for her work.<

Vinegartits messes up articles in a formal letter. Help, it's a march to the swamps of illiteracy.

Here is an excerpt from the Tribune article.

"Ippolito is working under an open-ended contract at $340 a day with the school district." [My emphasis]

Help, it's a march to either the swamps of ignorance or (more likely) the swamps of deceit.

Ziggy said...

Lee is either senile or mentally retarded. I did not catch the grammar error because I was disturbed by the fact that she is still claiming that the pay was per hour, instead of per day. She knows she's wrong, yet she ignorantly and defiantly asks Cobbe to "confirm" that she is right. Doesn’t Lee know she is going to be shot down? Cobbe has already made it very clear to her in a previous correspondence that the pay was per day. Lee has no argument against $340 a day, for that is the typical salary of an experienced elementary school principal (which Ippolito was before retiring).

January 26, 2009 9:46 PM
John__D said...
>Lee is either senile or mentally retarded.<

Stop being polite, Ziggy. There is a third option; she is a liar. She often lies to support her positions. I'm sure that Cobbe will, as you write, shoot her down.

Which was the previous correspondence? I must have missed it.

Friday, January 23, 2009

Subject/verb agreement


>I have corrected the punctuation errors in your little essay below. Get out your grammar primer. You need work for basic literacy. I know the kindergarten degree that you possess does not require Greek and Latin, but it must require that you learn punctuation. What diploma mill gave you a degree? I shall write the president to ask how come the outfit graduates illiterates to clog school administrations.<

>I am glad for this opportunity to tell you how women such as you who creep to the top by seduction, not qualifications, sets back all women’s progress. <

A plural subject requires a plural verb, Vinegartits. Kindergarten teachers know that. Where did you get your degree from? Get out your grammar primer and revise before I dob you in to the president, you illiterate cow.

>Hussies' sabataging women’s employment progress concerns me.<

Go back to kindy for spelling lessons, too. Although Greek and Latin aren't essential, the kindy folk can help you with the etymology of the word.

>Don’t use ellipses promiscuously. They have limited, special uses. Look the ellipses mark up in your grammar book.<

You want singular, idiot.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

The poetic march to the swamps of illiteracy.

Vinegartits, do you ever get anything right?


>Milton in Lycidas summarizes the psyches of such people as bow down to the world’s Elias:

Anow as such these bellies sake, (Anow of such as for their bellies sake)
Creep and intrude, and climb into the fold?
Or other care they little reck’ning make, (Of other care ...)
Than how to scramble to the shearers feast, (Then how to scramble at the shearers feast)
And shove away the worthy bidden guest,
Blind mouths! (Blind mouthes!)

This is the kind of poem about which my students used to say, “Oh, Lord, Ms. De Cesare. What’s this guy talking about?”<

I'm not surprised that your students reacted that way. Did you always misquote it to your poor illiterate charges?

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Whole numbers, Batman! She can't count either!


>Hot dog! The lower-quartile artillery has come out of its bunker with b-b guns.

These specimens fell for the old green-pony trick as we knew they would.

As soon as they have completed Romper Room metaphysics, they should try another b-b pellet in our direction.

Until then, the lower-quartiles must floss daily, go to bed early, and eat their spinach.

Psychological query: What does the sign-off of "fondly" from this guy to Commissioner Smith mean? No homophobic aspersions, please. We are supporters of the gay brotherhood. But do two guys usually sign emails with "fondly"? Where are you when we need you, Uncle Freud?

Pax Vobiscum

Lee Drury De Cesare

You are in error with your direct quotation of "fondly". And you normally insist that the question mark goes inside the quotation marks according to your standards. Are you slipping into senility, or have I converted you?

There was only one guy signing one email.

>No homophobic aspersions, please.<
This is a sentence fragment, Vinegartits. You insist it is a grammar felony.

She can't read, write complete sentences, punctuate or count. See, Commissioner, I told you Lee doesn't know what she's talking about.

I wonder if Vinegartits has ever thought that administrators and so forth view her quests as the equivalent of little kids with BB guns. Perhaps they are too polite to tell her.

That's okay, Vinegartits. After all these years of popping off your own toy guns, ensure you keep launching your full-scale attacks at your detractors with your brolly.

(You have plumbed new depths with your gay taunts. Your thin veil of a disclaimer won't fool many. You don't seem worried about Freud when you post pictures like the one here. http://leedrurydecesarescasting-roomcouch.blogspot.com/2008/10/stand-up-for-first-amendment.html)

And also with you.

Holy homophones, Batman! Twice!


Seriously, this one beggars belief.

>In return for the loss of a qualified, hardworking, no-gossip-about-her principal, citizens got stuck with her priapic former husband, one whose writing reveals that he doesn’t know the difference between “your” and “your, ” and one La Connie Mileto, munchkin femme fatale when it comes to climbing the employment ladder with meager credentials.<

This a different e-mail from the other one. Vinegartits makes the same error - again!

Now, class, lets add this up. Hamilton made his original your/you're error once in an informal email. Lee Drury de Cesare (teacher with 28 years of experience, college professor and self-proclaimed grammar expert) makes her your/your error twice in formal emails to an education head.

Vinegartits, there's no contest. You're ("your", if you like!) at least twice as stupid as Hamilton will ever be.

(You would think that after writing about Faliero that often, Lee could spell her name accurately in an email address. Heavens to Betsy, it's a march to the swamps of e-illiteracy!)

Commissionersmith@fldoe.org ; Commissioner@fldoe.org ; Sandy.Cho@fldoe.org ; april.griffin@sdhc.k12.fl.us ; Will.Holcombe@fldoe.org ; Chancellor.Haithcock@fldoe.org ; Lucy.Hadi@fldoe.org ; tomgozales@sdhc.k121.fl.us ; Joyce.hildreth@dbs.fldoe.org ; Bill.Palmer@vr.fldoe.org ; Arm@fldoe.org ; Linda.Champion@fldoe.org ; oig@fldoe.org ; Debby.Kearney@fldoe.org ; Erin.geraghty@fldoe.org ; Carrie.Fraser@fldoe.org ; Mike.Kooi@fldoe.org ; Sam.Ferguson@fldoe.org ; linda.cobbe@sdhc.k12.fl.us ; doretha.edgecomb@sdhc.k12.fl.us ; candy.olson@sdhc.k12.fl.us ; jack.lamb@sdhc.k12.fl.us ; jennifer.falliero@sdhc.k12.fl ; carol.kurdell@sdhc.k12.fl.us ; susanvaldes@sdhc.k12.fl.us ; paultash@sptimes.com ; larsen@tampatribune.com ; letitiastein@sptimes.com ; mbrown@tampatribune ; patrickmanteiga@lagacetanewspaper.com ;gsiudut@lagacetanewspaper.com ; goader@es-kay.net ; earl.lennard@sdhc.k12.fl.us ; Jim.hamilton@sdhc.k12.fl.us ; tdecesar@tampabay.rr.com

Dear Secretary of Education Smith,

I apologise for this unsolicited communication. Regrettably, we live in an age where anyone can compile a list of emails and annoy people.

Lee Drury de Cesare is often in error. For example, in two separate emails to you she has consistently maintained that "your" and "your" are homophones. She will assure you that Dr Hamilton is incompetent because he has trouble with homophones.

I ask that you deem Lee Drury de Cesare incompetent for the same reason and that you hence assume that everything she writes is similarly flawed.

I'll post Lee's mind-boggling stupidity on my blog.

Fond regards,
John D

Monday, January 5, 2009

Here it is! Your, your, your, your, your your, your.


Yes, Vinegartits does go on like a cracked record. Here is an excerpt from one of her usual rants.

>Dear Secretary of Education Smith:

I solicit your assistance in regard to what I believe to be gross negligence on the part of the Hillsborough County School board in a matter of hiring ....

.... Dr. Hamilton will have to hire a secretary to do any writing for him because he has trouble with the English language although he got a Ph.D. from the University of Florida, where, I believe you received your terminal degree as well. Dr. Hamilton stumbles with markers of literacy: he is, for example, unable to differentiate between the homophones “your” and “your.”<

"Your" and "your" are not homophones. They are the same word. You are stupid. You are more stupid than Hamilton could ever be. You haven't made a typo. You are very stupid. You have a poor command of the English language. You are stupid. You are heading the march to the swamps of illiteracy. You are stupid and can't write for toffee, Vinegartits. How can you confuse the same word? You're not qualified to do anything ever. You are stupid.

Thank you, Ziggy, for pointing out that it was Hamilton. And it would be "henchpersons" not "henchmen", wouldn't it? Don't get Vinegartits's feminist dander up.

PS While writing to the Secretary of Education about someone else's incompetence with language, Vinegartits cocks up her commas as well as the "your" thing. How stupid can she get?

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Congratulations, Thomas Vaughan.


I always knew there was something a bit vinegartitsy about our Thomas.

>In documenting her last "walk-through" she [his principal] accurately pointed out that I was at my desk conferring with a student and that my kids were working on an outline of the chapter but described a Graphic Organizer on my whiteboard as a Venn Diagram. A small point perhaps but The Venn Diagram is made up of two or more overlapping figures, usually circles. They are often used in mathematics to show relationships between sets.<

>My own Principal doesn't know the difference between a Venn diagram and a table. <

Is this it? He discredits his principal because she doesn't know the difference? How does he know that she doesn't know the difference? She may have only made a mistake.

He seldom uses an apostrophe correctly, yet he rabbits on about (in his own words) a small point. And yes, it is a small point. He's as pathetic as Lee with the your/you're thing.

(By the way, a Venn diagram need not overlap. Thomas had better brush up on Venn diagrams himself.)

Ziggy writes ...

By the way, I think Lee's your/you're fetish concerns Hamilton, not Lamb. It's not that I particularly care, I just figure I'd tell you before she or one her henchmen accuse you of being illiterate for such a minor error.

And why does Vaughan capitalize "vendiagram" and "graphic organizer"?

I think that Venn diagrams are named after Mr Venn as an Edison screw, a Pythagorean theorem and an Achilles heel are named after people. Thanks for pointing out that it was Hamilton. Confusing Hamilton and Lamb is nearly as bad as confusing "your" and "you're".