Friday, January 22, 2010

Bullying defined for schools

(a) "Bullying" means systematically and chronically inflicting physical hurt or psychological distress on one or more students and may involve:
1. Teasing;
2. Social exclusion;
3. Threat;
4. Intimidation;
5. Stalking;
6. Physical violence;
7. Theft;
8. Sexual or racial harassment;
9. Public humiliation; or
10. Destruction of property.

Now class, remember that this only applies to students according to the legislation. Unless you're Steve Kemp - then it can apply to you. But it you're Vinegartits and you systematically inflict distress to Falliero et al (all school employees, no?) with name-calling and public humiliation, then it's okay.

I think I'll file a bullying complaint. I mean, it's all there in black and white on the internet that Lee bullies school employees.


Anonymous said...

Cool blog you got here. I'd like to read something more concerning this theme. The only thing your blog needs is some pics of some gadgets.
Kate Kripke
Block phone

Goader said...

Computers in the classroom.

John__D said...

Sorry, Goader, what is your point? That the poster can't or won't use an apostrophe? That it isn't important? How it relates to the interpretation of the bullying legislation is quite beyond me.