Monday, August 31, 2009

Cherabim (sic)? Singular? (sick)

Pole Girl Has an Opponent! Thank You, All Cheribs and Seraphs (Oddly Enough, the Singular of these is "Cherabim" and "Seraphim": Go Figure

Is this illiteracy or stupidity? Here's my response.

I'll figure.

One cherub.
Two cherubim or two cherubs.

One seraph.
Two seraphim or seraphs.

So the plural is "cherubim", and neither the singular nor the plural is "cherabim" (sic).

Cherib, cherab - Honestly, are you illiterate or something?


John__D said...

3:37 AM From Casting Room Room couch

Vox Populi said...
john d, I feel it my duty to remind you that you are to STFU.
Are you anal? What is that phase that people go through? ah yes... anal-retentive.

freud would have a field day with you, boy.

I don't think that lee is illiterate so she must be SOMETHING.

Yes she is.

Something YOU will never be.


John__D said...

Vox, I am not to shut the fuck up. You can feel it is your duty all you like. It's not. Remember free speech?

You don't think Lee is illiterate so she must be something? That's illogical , I'm afraid.

Would Freud have field day knowing that Lee deems people illiterate because they make the your/you're typo? (You've backed her in on this assertion too, if my memory is correct.) He'd have a field day with both of you anal-retentive complainers.