Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Homophone illiteracy in formal communication.

>If the school system does not have one, it's management is highly remiss in professionalism.<

This is a common error among illiterate idiots. "It's" always means "it is" or "it has". For all other cases, use "its". More specifically, "its" is the possessive form of the pronoun "it".

the management belonging to it = its management
Lee alleges that she has a perfect recollection of what she has filed, written and sent, but she can't master this simple homophone in a formal communication. I've half a mind to email everyone on the list and warn them of her illiteracy and therefore credibility.
>That trick was played on me when I filed against Dr. Hamilton for using the emails for his personal pursuits a couple of years ago when Ms. Elia and Ms. Kipley had cooked up charges against Bart Birsall for using the school emails for his persoal business. <
The ability to proofread a formal communication is another issue.
>Women Must Demand a New Council of Trent and Demand Equal Representation on It or Not Accept the Vatican's Rules Coming Out of it. Fair Is Fair, Fellows.
Ms. Elia used apocryphal information to hang a charge on Kemp because he has an education blogs, and blogs' commenting on anything about the schools are an anathema to the administration and school board. <
The possessive-before-gerund rule is yet another. No wonder Vinegartits's students were confused.

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