Friday, January 22, 2010

Bullying defined for schools

(a) "Bullying" means systematically and chronically inflicting physical hurt or psychological distress on one or more students and may involve:
1. Teasing;
2. Social exclusion;
3. Threat;
4. Intimidation;
5. Stalking;
6. Physical violence;
7. Theft;
8. Sexual or racial harassment;
9. Public humiliation; or
10. Destruction of property.

Now class, remember that this only applies to students according to the legislation. Unless you're Steve Kemp - then it can apply to you. But it you're Vinegartits and you systematically inflict distress to Falliero et al (all school employees, no?) with name-calling and public humiliation, then it's okay.

I think I'll file a bullying complaint. I mean, it's all there in black and white on the internet that Lee bullies school employees.

Harassment defined for schools

(b) "Harassment" means any threatening, insulting, or dehumanizing gesture, use of data or computer software, or written, verbal, or physical conduct directed against a student or school employee that:
1. Places a student or school employee in reasonable fear of harm to his or her person or damage to his or her property;
2. Has the effect of substantially interfering with a student's educational performance, opportunities, or benefits; or
3. Has the effect of substantially disrupting the orderly operation of a school.

This is the definition that Lee is always quoting.

Illiteracy within her writing of others' illiteracy.

I was trying to find Lee's post where she bangs on about the bullying and harassment legislation and stumbled on this classic.

>Employers don't think inability to punctuate, to write literate sentences, and even to construct reports are trivial.

The subject of "are" is "inability". "Inability" is singular. Employers don't think inability ... is trivial.

Make up your mind, you illiterate idiot. Bart and Vox think it's all trivial. Unless you're doing it, of course - then you're a hero.

Lee hates free speech!

Lee won't post the following comment. I'll keep posting it until she does. Free speech and First Amendment, my arse!

Perhaps Vox would like to define harassment. Or would she like to throw in the metaphorical towel also?

Bart says the homophobes can do and say what they like as long as gay students are not harassed. How does he feel about Lee de Cesare? Is she allowed to say and do what she likes under her freedom of speech umbrella as long as nobody is harassed?

You antinitpickers are all for stopping harassment right up until someone asks you what it actually is.

Yes, I am ambulatory. I'm sure that there is something that you deem witty or clever marching with ill-deserved confidence towards the conversation.
I'll pay your bill when you can direct me to the part of the law that supports your claim. What do you make of the following, bozo?
Even in cases where speech encourages illegal violence, instances of incitement qualify as criminal only if the threat of violence is imminent.[35] This strict standard prevents prosecution of many cases of incitement, including prosecution of those advocating violent opposition to the government, and those exhorting violence against racial, ethnic, or gender minorities. See, e.g., Yates v. United States (1957), Brandenburg v. Ohio (1969).
Now, Vox, define harassment. Or are you whimpering out of the ring? You're as bad as Bart make me out to be when I wrote that I hadn't read any further in his post. You've made up your mind that you won't be asking me any more questions.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Joint ownership

The Council of Trent Goes to the Mattresses in the Crossfire of John D's and Bart Birdsall's Nitpicking Joust;

There is only one joust, so it must be jointly attributed to John D and Bart Birdsall.

Edit: the crossfire of John D and Bart Birdsall's Nitpicking Joust

Ding! Yet another round goes to Antigrammargrinch on points. Bart won't even don his gloves.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Response to Bart Birdsall

When I made the post, I had read no further, Bart. My point was that irregularities stood out and I had questions before going any further. I'm sorry that you misconstrued this.

How many times were you in your metaphorical boxing ring and said "Oh, I'm not going to duke it out with you"? You say there's no point debating with someone like me who nitpicks over things; Lee's punctuation pettiness must have you fairly reeling!

I find it strange that you don't like this nitpicking business, yet you were pushing for certain wording in a harassment policy. I'd like to know what the wording was and the wording you were duking it out for.

Tell you what; you're all for freedom of speech until someone gets harassed. Define harassment for me. Duke it out with me. If you can't handle duking it out with some nitpicking emailer, I would find it hard to believe that you duke it out with the Mike Tysons of the world.

Is the First Amendment upheld in courts when someone feels harassed? You mention that it is not upheld when it incites violence, but what about harassment? I look forward to your expert comment.

Lee won't post the following comment. I'll keep posting it until she does. Free speech and First Amendment, my arse!

Perhaps Vox would like to define harassment. Or would she like to throw in the metaphorical towel also?

Bart says the homophobes can do and say what they like as long as gay students are not harassed. How does he feel about Lee de Cesare? Is she allowed to say and do what she likes under her freedom of speech umbrella as long as nobody is harassed?

You antinitpickers are all for stopping harassment right up until someone asks you what it actually is.